In a fast-paced and ever-evolving industry, the creation of video games sees the introduction of new hardware and technology on a regular basis. The transition from conventional desktop computers to more modern operating systems is one of the largest developments in recent times. As a consequence, an increasing number of video game companies are making the decision to stop supporting outdated operating systems like Windows 7 and 8.

The decision to quit supporting older OS like Windows 7 and 8 by video game creators is made for a number of different reasons. There are simply too many factors making it unfeasible for video game developers to continue to support these systems, stretching from technical limitations to market forces and security issues. Therefore, if you’re still using an outdated operating system, it’s vital to be aware that you might be losing out on some of the newest and greatest video games, and that it might be time to upgrade to a more contemporary operating system.

The support for these operating systems has been gradually phased out by video game developers. On a gaming setup running Windows 7 Ultimate, for example, newer video games just won’t launch. According to theory, there is no relation between operating systems and how smoothly a game would perform on a computer. There is no error, either. Nevertheless, while developing for a certain operating system, programmers take into account a number of other variables. System security and support for the newest APIs are some of these considerations. The list is not comprehensive, and as new operating systems become more technologically advanced than their early pioneers, extra features will be included.

This article will outline some of the reasons why game developers no longer use Windows 7 or 8.

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Lack of support for the latest APIs, i.e. DirectX 12

Due to the apparent lack of support for the most recent APIs, such as DirectX 12, one of the key reasons why video game developers are opting to cease supporting earlier operating systems like Windows 7 and 8 is because they are unable to support these systems. On Windows-based devices, video games and multimedia applications can be created and launched using this suite of APIs. The most recent version of this API, DirectX 12, offers a number of noteworthy enhancements over early versions, such as faster performance, better graphics, and more effective use of hardware resources. DirectX 12 is only compatible with Windows 10, and video game developers who wish to take advantage of its features and capabilities have decided to stop supporting earlier versions of Windows. 

The fact that DirectX 12 offers faster performance, especially when it comes to visuals, is one of its key advantages. Utilizing the most recent hardware developments, such as top-tier graphics cards, it enables video game creators to produce more lifelike and immersive gaming experiences. Video games may now use it to make their environments, characters, and objects more complex and lifelike by utilizing cutting-edge techniques like tessellation and shading.

DirectX 12 not only improves performance but also improves efficiency, allowing video games to make greater use of hardware resources. As a result, video games may operate more quickly and smoothly on devices with less powerful hardware. By making games that are both more challenging and more approachable with DirectX 12, video game developers may appeal to a wider audience of gamers and provide an even better gaming experience which they can not achieve through windows 7 or 8.

Enhancements in performance, graphics, and system resource utilization are just a few of the important advantages that DirectX 12 offers. To experience the most recent video games and multimedia programs, it might be time to upgrade to Windows 10 if you’re still using an outdated operating system.

Lack of updates and security patches from Microsoft

A reason why manufacturers of video games are discontinuing support for older operating systems like Windows 7 and 8 is a lack of Microsoft updates and security patches. Microsoft is in charge of providing updates and security patches for Windows, and as the os becomes older, it gets trickier for the company to do so in a fast and efficient manner. This paucity of updates and security patches can cause various problems for video game companies. One reason is that outdated operating systems are being more and more exposed to security risks like viruses and malware. 

Moreover, this makes it more difficult or perhaps impossible for developers of video games to build games that are optimal for these systems. As a result, these older systems may no longer receive support from video game creators and may have poor performance, crashes, and other problems. It just isn’t worthwhile for video game developers to continue supporting outdated operating systems, as they are growing more vulnerable to security threats and limiting the features of video games.

Most Importantly Microsoft ended security updates and technical support for these operating systems. Which is another core reason behind why Video Game developers do not support Windows 7 and 8 now a days.

Nvidia and AMD do not provide drivers for Windows 7 and 8

Both Nvidia and AMD have recently ceased supporting drivers for Windows 7 and 8. Because these old systems do not meet the rising need for new and updated hardware, software, and security features, this decision has been made.

Microsoft stopped support for Windows 7 and Windows 8 on January 14, 2020, and January 10, 2023, respectively. This indicates that they will stop offering these OS’ security updates, technical support, and other bug patches. Because of this, Nvidia and AMD have also quit providing Windows 7 and 8. Rather, they want to emphasize on giving customers of the latest operating systems the greatest hardware and software support possible.

Furthermore, both businesses have shifted their attention to creating hardware and software that is compatible with the most recent version of Windows 10. In comparison to Windows 7 and 8, Windows 10 has greater security features, higher performance, and an improved gaming experience. Many people who are still using Windows 7 and 8 have been impacted by this decision since they can no longer get fresh drivers and patches from both AMD and Nvidia. The users have been frustrated and inconvenienced as a result of several compatibility problems between the out-of-date operating systems and new hardware and applications.

No support for the latest hardware

The most recent hardware is not supported on Windows 7 or 8 for a number of reasons. One of the chief reasons is the incompatibility of new hardware and older operating systems. Because Windows 7 and 8 have reached their end-of-life status and are no longer being maintained by Microsoft, the most recent hardware frequently requires the most latest drivers and software, that are incompatible with the old OS’.

The most modern technology and features, which are not supported by Windows 7 or 8, are frequently required by the latest hardware, such as increased security features, improved performance, and better gaming experiences. The recent edition of the Windows 10 operating system, which features updated software and hardware support, is meant to work effectively with these features and technologies.

Windows 7 and 8 lack the architecture required to support the most current hardware and software developments. This suggests that even while the hardware is compatible with these older operating systems, it could not function at its best or might not be able to utilize all of the newest features and advancements.

In order to give their consumers the best possible experience, Nvidia and AMD work to make sure that their hardware and software are compatible with the most recent versions of operating systems. These companies now focus on developing hardware and software that is compatible with Windows 10 and take advantage of the newer features and technologies by dropping support for Windows 7 and 8.

Performance drops in older operating systems

Windows 7 and 8 might accomplish almost 100% of the performance criteria that contemporary operating systems do. However, they fall short in some areas. In comparison to Windows 10 and 11, the older operating systems have substantially worse memory optimization. As a result, players operating video games with the bare minimum amount of RAM suggested may experience numerous micro stutters and frame dips.


The decision by video game makers to stop supporting older OS like Windows 7 and 8 can be explained by a variety of issues. These include the unavailability of Microsoft updates and security patches as well as the lack of compatibility with the newest APIs, including DirectX 12. Older operating systems like Windows 7 and 8 are therefore becoming more susceptible to security risks, hindering the performance of video games, and lowering the overall gaming experience. To enjoy the most recent video games and multimedia programs, you may want to think about upgrading from an outdated operating system to a more contemporary one, like Windows 10.